provides ephemeral, anonymous, and secure mailing lists, ideal for short-term collaborations, activist organizing, and temporary group communication. Subscribers remain completely anonymous, and all subscription data is permanently erased upon expiry, ensuring maximum privacy.
Create a Mailing List:
Send an email with the subject line 3 days
(or any number of days) to:
This subscribes your email anonymously for the specified number of days.
Notify Others:
CC additional recipients to notify them of the group’s existence. They can subscribe similarly.
Anonymity Guaranteed:
Any email sent to the generated address will anonymously forward to all current subscribers.
Automatic Expiration:
After the subscription duration ends, you’re automatically unsubscribed. When no subscribers remain, the list permanently disappears, leaving no trace.
X days
or click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of emails.extend X
to receive detailed instructions.gcloud
CLI installedgit clone
cd fmrl-ink
pip install -r requirements.txt
Email Handler
gcloud functions deploy email_handler \
--runtime python39 \
--trigger-http \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--set-env-vars KMS_KEY_NAME="projects/your-project/locations/global/keyRings/your-keyring/cryptoKeys/your-key"
Cleanup Job:
gcloud functions deploy cleanup_handler \
--runtime python39 \
--trigger-http \
# Schedule cleanup hourly
gcloud scheduler jobs create http cleanup-job \
--schedule="0 * * * *" \
--uri="" \
--http-method GET
We welcome contributions! Fork, make changes, and submit a PR.