FMRL Ink provides ephemeral, anonymous, and secure mailing lists, ideal for short-term collaborations, activist organizing, and temporary group communication. Subscribers remain completely anonymous, and all subscription data is permanently erased upon expiry, ensuring maximum privacy.

⚙️ How It Works

📬 Commands & Shortcuts

🔐 Privacy & Security Guarantees

🛠 Tech Stack

🚀 Quickstart & Deployment


Deploying to Google Cloud

  1. Clone and enter the repository:
git clone
cd fmrl-ink
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Deploy Cloud Functions:

Email Handler

gcloud functions deploy email_handler \
  --runtime python39 \
  --trigger-http \
  --allow-unauthenticated \
  --set-env-vars KMS_KEY_NAME="projects/your-project/locations/global/keyRings/your-keyring/cryptoKeys/your-key"

Cleanup Job:

gcloud functions deploy cleanup_handler \
  --runtime python39 \
  --trigger-http \

# Schedule cleanup hourly
gcloud scheduler jobs create http cleanup-job \
  --schedule="0 * * * *" \
  --uri="" \
  --http-method GET

🔒 Security

🙌 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Fork, make changes, and submit a PR.

📃 License